Goin to cross roads in their transition from fall to spring so everything their was pretty boo boo.

In the Nutty North kickn it at the smoke shop next to chipotle to get some stoges ANY stoges for two dollars. After school on monday Nacho Corey and Chris went with me to go sell my clothes at crossroads. The bag that had my clothes i was going to sell also had my laundry i did over the weekend. So when homegirl was looking through my shit she found socks and shirts and even boxers which was pretty fuckn hillarious. then i went to express arden dry cleaner off of alta arden where i get my pants taylored which my vietnamese homegirl be hookin it up. We then went to chipotle in the nutty to go eat and i hit my cuz MHARK and he was tryna burn. He hit me with one of these " buy a swisher and ill burn yall niggas out"Luckly there was a cigareete discount store where i copped a swisher and we burned down the street... OFF TOP .
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