Yeah thats little wayne..and yeah we got flor seats!

Opening performer the badd ass Kerri Wilson...CALL ME .

The smoking room was crackn because hella people were smoking blunts and these hippie girls gave us their half smoked blunt.

Gym class heroes...all the fuckn girls like travis whatever his last name is. ERRR

The T-Pain show with the clown crump dancers .

All the fans...ARCO WAS SMACKN .

"This a way...that a way" -T wayne

Young Money and their little hommies.

I think that one nigga from two pistols i think..

Everyone loved Waynes part and the I LOVE MUSIC TOUR was actually a pretty great experience. My nigga bogie talked me into buying tickets a week before they came out so i cashed 120 for floor seats. When we got to the stadium walking around they was choosin cause me and my nigga from the nutty -ak -mhark -boogie and my nigga -G from the city kept on having to sneak mhark and ak to where we were sitting. It was fuckn irritating that there was hella people tryna sneak in and kept getting caught but those motha fuckas would stilll find a way to get in front of us. Teri Hilson was pretty dope because she was lookin hella bad with her yellow snake skin pants. Gym class heroes werent my cup of tea but it was the most cracknest time to go smoke a stoge cause there was HELLA people in the smoking section. Young money killed it with some gangsta shit like always and my nigga mac maine be GASSIN . I also noticed that T-pain jst does it all...he could dance, sing, play the piano, guitar, and make some pretty good music. I popped the other half of my bart simpson right when wayne was about to perform his songs. The I Love Music Tour was from 7-12 and it was worth the 120 dollars and was a fuckn dope ass concert... OFF TOP .
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