Loundgin at Audrey Abadilas castle on a beautiful Friday.

We went to the DC and i copped the usual. Peneni Grilled chicken and tuna.

Whatever you do DO NOT eat the lunch pasta because they jst re heat the sauce...EWWEY .

Yehnoe jst loundgin waiting for my nigga Jazmines bed. hahha but yeah After justins kick back me and corey woke up at the house with thee BIGGEST hangovers. But we wasnt trippen because we made hella video comments on facebook using coreys account because i already waste a lot of time on the blog and myspace. hahaha but after that we hit up my nigga Audrey askin if we could kick it at her castle. Before we left i burned this like doobie and it was pretty coo. We parked at the church and we stiked it across the street in the blazing sun. We was pretty sweaty and shit but when we got inside the dorm we was kickn it with Audrey and her roomate jazmine. We was hungry so we ate at the DC and that shit was BOMB. When we got back to the dorms we was jst fuckn with the photobooth then we had to dipsets cause Audrey had class and shit. shout out to my nigga audrey for hookin us up with the gues credits and shit... OFF TOP .
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