My nigga wishbone jst drinking that lil vodka bitch drink. He was closin his eyes..and he was jst FUCKN with it. But dayemm after the little hip hop concert we all decided to go to my nigga justins house so we could get FUCKED up. AT first i was jst pretty fadded fuckn with my 40 but then justin came in the the handle of Captn MORE GONE and some skyy i think and everyone was fuckn with it. He also brought digorno pizza and some fuckn pizza rolls and when i get fadded i be hungry as FUCK...so i was jst fuckn with it. haha Everyone got to write a little somthing on the white wall so yehno the Double Ayes had to get up on time but yeahhh it was overall pretty good accept for fadded ass corey parallel parking my car in the wrong direction... OFF TOP .
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