Tuesday, March 31, 2009
High Speed Chase with cuzn Mhark and Peco
my cuzn peco and mark was gonna drop me off at the car by dre house. And the paladan security was fuckn with us cause there didnt have a dayem thing to do 230 in the morning. There was askin for my cuzn mhars licence but he wasnt havin it so we jst had a high speed chase lasting for roughly 5 minutes tryna shake off these fake ass yops. they didnt even have light so they couldnt light us down and the police wasnt tryna fuck wit hthem so we jst dirted. hahhah we was hella zooted talking to that nigga and i was jst recording them chase us hella zooted. The securtiy gaurd thought we was tryna steal cars and shit...hahahh ...OFF TOP .
Aim Conversations Durring ILMT .
Mr.Tonic (ANT)
mrtonicsf: how was the concert?
fransteez: Is still goin and it is smackn
fransteez: Did we get the flyers yet
fransteez: Cause its hard posting bullkitens
of how LIVE tonic sac is gonna be
mrtonicsf: yea
fransteez: Wen I so my own bullitens
with no flyers
mrtonicsf: lol
mrtonicsf: its OUT
mrtonicsf: on the site too
mrtonicsf: me and corey ahead of you
mrtonicsf: lol
fransteez: Hahahafshow
mrtonicsf: hit me after
fransteez: And I already got the beautiful
ppl from sac is comin through
mrtonicsf: nice!!!!
mrtonicsf: gonna be intense
haha all you party animals to go check
that club out cause me and corey
is hostin it and its about to be
smackn on the april 9th at empyer.
get at me for pre sales ASAP .
Im even at the wayne concert handling
business makin money and shit .yamm sayin .
Coreycancoreygetahug: is the concert over?
fransteez: Nahhh not yet
fransteez: He's doin his prom queen gay shit
fransteez: I jst know one thing for dayem shure
fransteez: My blog is gonna be
fransteez: SHITTIN ON YOURES .
cancoreygetahug: is there hella bitches there?
fransteez: And this exact conversation is
gonna be on my blog
fransteez: Yous a biatchhh .
ahahha he already know wats good.
Youza bitch ass nigga and you already know my blog
is shittin on yours... OFF TOP .

Yeah thats little wayne..and yeah we got flor seats!

Opening performer the badd ass Kerri Wilson...CALL ME .

The smoking room was crackn because hella people were smoking blunts and these hippie girls gave us their half smoked blunt.

Gym class heroes...all the fuckn girls like travis whatever his last name is. ERRR

The T-Pain show with the clown crump dancers .

All the fans...ARCO WAS SMACKN .

"This a way...that a way" -T wayne

Young Money and their little hommies.

I think that one nigga from two pistols i think..

Everyone loved Waynes part and the I LOVE MUSIC TOUR was actually a pretty great experience. My nigga bogie talked me into buying tickets a week before they came out so i cashed 120 for floor seats. When we got to the stadium walking around they was choosin cause me and my nigga from the nutty -ak -mhark -boogie and my nigga -G from the city kept on having to sneak mhark and ak to where we were sitting. It was fuckn irritating that there was hella people tryna sneak in and kept getting caught but those motha fuckas would stilll find a way to get in front of us. Teri Hilson was pretty dope because she was lookin hella bad with her yellow snake skin pants. Gym class heroes werent my cup of tea but it was the most cracknest time to go smoke a stoge cause there was HELLA people in the smoking section. Young money killed it with some gangsta shit like always and my nigga mac maine be GASSIN . I also noticed that T-pain jst does it all...he could dance, sing, play the piano, guitar, and make some pretty good music. I popped the other half of my bart simpson right when wayne was about to perform his songs. The I Love Music Tour was from 7-12 and it was worth the 120 dollars and was a fuckn dope ass concert... OFF TOP .
Wayne Pre Game

Met at the mexican place Adelbertacos? sounds a lot like adelbirtos in the FLATZ ,

Yeah...Floor seats to the wayne concert at Arco Arena.

Pre gammin with the vsop heem and some yagger bombs.

This aint a real concert if we didnt burn it so my mark was fuckn with me ,

We had to walk hella far because we fucked with the free parking by leaving our cars in the natomas neighborhood right next to the Arena. I was so juiced because it was my second concert that i have actually been to because my first one was Kanye's GITD tour. but yeah YOUNG MONEY... OFF TOP .
hahahha me neil and jd was watchin this shit and it was hella funny well at the time. That nigga that is impersonating weezy pretty good looking like him with all his tatts and actually being a pretty nice rapper. But the only flaws with this fake weexy was his dreads and how he talked when he was jst takkkin normal....NO HOMO...OFF TOP .
Party at Nicks...where my nigga Justin at?

My nigga wishbone was fuckn with the stuffed dog...and yes. my nigga does fuck with the doggie style.

It was another party at nicks with hella drink and shit and more writting and talking shit on the massive wall of signatures. The weird part about this party was that neither Justin or Jenalee wasnt here because they was driving back from salinas. it was all god though cause i was able to cop some yellow bart simpsons which it was an actual cut out of bart simpsons head on a smacker...and it was worth it. came home hella fadded knocked out...and was late for my fuckn pop quiz for english.but dayem im pretty pissed that they dropped my cuzn peco from the class jst because he wasnt tryna fuck with the responces. its all good cuzn im bout hold it down for the both of us...hahah OFF TOP .
JFK library stinks...LITERALLY

My nigga reemy with the afro picking out free movies.

All these dvds and a book i needed for my history class. Borrowing them for LIFE.

We found a "How to get a better orgasim" where it showed pretty life like cartoon pictures of chicks and dicks and different techniques to fucks with it.

There was actually some white pages in the "muti orgasm quickies and marathons" section that has white stuff...defiantly washed my hands before i stepped back into my car because everything was sp unsanitary.

When i washed my hads i also meet the mst horrible smell i have ever experienced in a bathroom. The day started off with me meeting up with reemy at his house. I wanted to go rent free dvds and a book that is needed for my class. JFK is pretty much for the homeless people which they kick it and talk with frank the security gaurd. That gaurd is pretty much a weirdo too but it was all good cause wanted to get up out of there as SOON as possible...p.s JFK bathrooms fuckn stink and so does the library... OFF TOP .

Dayem we went to this random ass party in garnet circle but they had some good chicken. I seen my nigga rowel and shit and corey picked me up so i could kick it with them. The next morning my niggas car was stomped out. I was pretty lucky that those gay ass niggas who fucked with my niggas car didnt fuck with mines. But im still pretty pissed. If i find out who did this...fuck you weak ass niggas that gotta fuck with peoples shit... OFF TOP .
Jamacan SHOWER MON(man)!

Jamacan shower=Bathrom/Shower/and Trees...

My nigga nacho and corey was fuckn with the jamacan shower which they all lost to me...no homo. When we got out the moist air from the shower made the floor hella wet. so nacho was tryna practice his gliding skills and it ended up making the grown hella dirty...hahaha my bad... OFF TOP .

I was kickn it at Jd's and my nigga KADOE wanted to burn. It was a cowincedence that kadoe seen coolie and told him to g to jds so we could cop. I dropped four and kadoe got the six and we got PLUGGED WITH THE FATT. it was pretty fluffy s we copped the blunt wrap and it fit both of them. Kadoe was fuckn up because he dosent really fuck with blunt wraps so he had to do surgery. We then went later down the street and burned it in back all the house, My nigga coolie be pluggin it so if you are reading this my nigga colie get at me cause im tryna fucks with so more catpiss...OFF TOP .

My nigga ant was dumbass suprised when there was hella people supporting his suprise birthday. I wasted a couple of good supries on jerks that ddnt get the memo to come at 1000...ASS HOLES.

My nigga karla jst made the hundreds cake herself. hahaha but it was pretty good. At karlas there was hella dranks grey gooese heem captn. There was hella people which was pretty dope. And i was the DJ slappin my phone on the aux cord...WE WAS TURNT UP(L.A SLANG)... OFF TOP .


Down Town SAC where corey signed his virgin arm away.

My nigg was determined.

Junior has an even better picture of corey makin some FUNNY ASS FACES and my nigga chrisb gave the mass text to all the other niggas. But dayem we waited for hella long cause there was a good 5 people ahead of us but there was like hella people in there tattooing so the wait wasnt too long. My nigga jst got his mom and my favorite untie "Terri" in this clean ass font. WOW... OFF TOP.
Is Stussy dead part 2?

I was studying at the sac state book store and my nigga was just fuckin with his snowboard movie and i was pretty much into it too .no homo

The meal before my FACTS 50 test (meal for champions) w/ Sardines

Block Head.

This fuckn bus driver be driving so fuckn rought.

On the way home a fuckn ancient ass turtle startled me as i was looking down at my shoes walking home. Today was the lastday of CSUS before we got on break and i only had one test on womens feelings. SInce i did the study guide i actually didnt have tocheat on this mothafucka but i hopped i passed it... OFF TOP .
So it was about 338 in the am and im with tb(rommie) watchin hot rod while i post some new motha fuckn posts. when you read this you may ask yourelf why is this nigga postin posts at 338 in the am. The reason is that ipoped a yellow bart simposon and it had me on from 8 till now. Im hella awake and im jst fucks with catching up with these posts...YOUNG MONEY...OFF TOP.
History Guess Speaker

SO my class was canceled because there was a fmous guess speaker from Texas. He was actually pretty interesting because he was comparing Obama to being a hoover like president (bad) or being a FDR kind of president(good).

I was actually pretty hungry so you already knew i had to fuck with the sky flakes because i be fuckn with the skyflakes. I dirted early and i forgot to turn in my essay. but it was all good because i jst eamiled it t her the next day... OFF TOP .
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Arigatos with the ROOMIES.

Riza and tohn in their matching sac state sweaters. AMBERS! XOXO

It was actually the baseball classic finals with Korea vs. Japan for the championship .

I was fuckn with the New York Role and the Salmon role which actually filled me up .

Mayen this is what i should fucked with...the SAKI bombs. But mayen my roomies wanted me to go to Arigatos with them because we never been out as roomates in hella long. It was funny to see Korea and Japan play for the world baseball classic championship, because the chefs were on there toes durring the game. Overall the sushi was pretty good and the prices were decent so i actually enjoyed the outing with the roomies... OFF TOP .
Shit Pops off on Mondays

Goin to cross roads in their transition from fall to spring so everything their was pretty boo boo.

In the Nutty North kickn it at the smoke shop next to chipotle to get some stoges ANY stoges for two dollars. After school on monday Nacho Corey and Chris went with me to go sell my clothes at crossroads. The bag that had my clothes i was going to sell also had my laundry i did over the weekend. So when homegirl was looking through my shit she found socks and shirts and even boxers which was pretty fuckn hillarious. then i went to express arden dry cleaner off of alta arden where i get my pants taylored which my vietnamese homegirl be hookin it up. We then went to chipotle in the nutty to go eat and i hit my cuz MHARK and he was tryna burn. He hit me with one of these " buy a swisher and ill burn yall niggas out"Luckly there was a cigareete discount store where i copped a swisher and we burned down the street... OFF TOP .
Sunday Chores

My homie Carlton lookin all clean after i gave him the car wash.

Yeah im sittin on 16's get ya motha fuckn inches up.

My dad was bitchin at me the morning so i could hook up the old stereo and put it on top of my drawers in the garage. Luckly there was an aux cord so i could slap my phone through the speakers. This stereo is actually pretty old but it was slapping while i was washing my car. The weather was pretty nice while i was washing my car but a little bit chilly. I felt accomlished by finishing both my chores but i had to fuck with some studying after... OFF TOP .
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