When you first walk in theres a red carpet and paid people to scream for you and take pictures. haha i thought there was jst a long ass line but they were all jst paid actors.

The ice sculpture with the initials of the two graduate es.

My person bartended JUAN who made my drinks which i thought they were alcoholic but there werent.

Yehnoe this is wat celeberties do on their freetime..haha jp

"mayen that nigga looks like peco" -corey ahhahha

this is where the graduate es meet and asked them what kind of flavor chicken do they want...and im not playin .

New Boyz performance..

one of many free fruity iced drinks.

hahaha well the graduation party was pretty fun. Eating hella hand foods like chicken and sushi and drinking a lot of iced drinks got me fuckn full. The dj was actually my old neighbore at fairlake which was pretty funny because he would always walk around with his laptop and his dog. ahhaha but i was suprised how the new boyz performed live so kudos to my niggas. keep it JERK... OFF TOP .
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