Woke up the next morning to 2 things...a HANGOVER and these filipino war figurines .

Smashing to san leandro for my aunties bbq.

What Did You Wear Today ?

I swear my auntie has had these couches ever since she moved to america and they still look pretty new and they are still pretty comfortable.

STEAK...its wats fer dinner .

I think the best shit there was the vinigar and onion sauce which i LATHERED on my steak .

Some of the family.

Grindin on the block .

My nigga beans is a fuckn SUPER BRAT now . We gave him soy milk because we ddnt have any milk so he just threw his bottle .

This is wats left of a foam baseball which he bit apart.


At night i went to party in UNIOUN CITY which was smackn except for all of these mixicans saying they from north hayward against the mexicans from south hayward bouta pull out there guns and shit. but i guess that how it goes down in the STACK... OFF TOP .
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