Start the day off with my cousin by coppin swisher.

Runnin theee blockk .

My nigga jesus PLUGGED us on some good which got us pretty fuckn loaded.

This fuckn ladybug was in my car for HELLA long and i ddnt wanna kill it because its bad luck i think.

A blunt, a nice view, and bein with my cousin..wat more could a niggas ask for .
Above Average EXCLUSIVE .

Hella fuckn high adam kept fuckn up the directions and we were going around downtown alameda so we jst said fuck the sushi and we jst ate at chipotle.

We seen a fuckn pink scrapper bike with purple foil...AYEEE .

Watching silent library high is pretty funny accept for the fact that my aunti aina was behind us laughing and asking us if we wanted some hawaiian bbq.ahha

She then made us these BOMB ass smoothies with the magic bullet.

While adam was showing me hella funny shit on youtube...i would have to say that the patrick chewing commerical had me DYIN laughing .

At night we went to Hazles 20th bday (thanks cuzzn) which was pretty smackn. Its always awkward to go to a party when you only know a couple of people. but it was all good because there was HELLA drinks. Cant beleive people was wearing the same shoes as me tho .

As i drove home SUPPER careful with adam being my navigator. We ended the night GRUBBIN on masubi. O yeah shout out to my nigga Hazel for her birthday. Adam was pretty fadde which was good and he ddnt throw up which is always a plus... OFF TOP .
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