Wednesday, May 20, 2009


PLA had a sale on saturday...anything with sleves half off and a lot of SB's that where half off and even hats and shittt...pretty good sale if you ask me .

My nigga ben hooked up camacho with these pink and black trainers for the 60. The bbq was outside and it was HOT AS BALL. Nacho started the "HOT AS BALLS" and me and corey got it from him but now on twitter everyones sayin that shit now.

But her is some of the collection PLA has a good variety and the clothes they got is pretty good. It was a SCORCHER and me corey chris and camach wanted to go to the PLA sale because there was also a BBQ. Ben and the crew of PLA was servin chips water and hotdogs infront of the store shaded by a lil tent. hahah there was a GNARLY dry ass box that corey and these white boys was fuckn with. It was all good that day with clothes hoes and food... OFF TOP .

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