Happy Birthday Deogracias P. Reyes rockin the Burberry beannie.

Greasy Ass Ribs and Chicken

The ribs come with pressed hot towels so you could clean your hands after you eat your ribs .

But my pops dose not need a towel because he uses rubber gloves so he wont make his fingers dirty. haha

Grilled Chicken HONEY MUSTARD salad...it was not good for the price :/

Newley Engaged...the HILLS. Albert Hill Donovan Hill and New Diane Hill .

This greasy ass fake looking Denny sells some expensive ribs and chicken .

Yeah i just cashed at polo and copped him the spiffy button up..Emils grill is pretty iight for a rib place but ribs arent my thang. But i know a bitch ass nigga by the name of Corey P would love it cause thats all he fucks with...yeah i went there...OFF TOP .
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