Cal State Maritime has the CLEANEST mascot because its a fuckn PIRATE! i might just have to fucks with their new eras though.

Frankie Adams Vito and K-DOE hooping.

Its out secret spot to hoop at till the gay ass security gaurd kicks us out.

After i got home form the Santo Ninio celebration i went to go hoop at Cal Maritime with the niggas yehno men bonding time. I was hoopin on niggas cause you know im pretty fuckn raw at hooping but just slow as fuck and get winded VERY easily. But whenever me and frankie adams vito was on the same team its a WRAP...blowing niggas off the court (no homo). But after that Pasteez mentioned that he had some concord shit. so we knew whats good and burned at dereks house. came home ate a couple of fruit cups, watched the office season 3 and knocked out...OFF TOP .
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